Introducing the Secret Tool of


The new reality of workplace

REMOTE WORK Statistics


of companies

operate fully remote

32.6 million

of Americans

will work remote by 2025

$8.8 Trillion

Disengagement cost

Employees who are not engaged cost the world $8.8 trillion in lost productivity,

In the evolving landscape of remote work, a significant challenge faced by YOU (Managers) is the disengagement of employees.

The lack of face-to-face interaction often leads to a sense of isolation among team members, diminishing the vibrancy and collaborative spirit.

This unique challenge forces you to find innovative ways to maintain effective communication and nurture team cohesion.

You have the dual responsibility of ensuring productivity while also fostering a virtual environment that compensates for the lack of physical presence, a balance that is crucial yet challenging to achieve in the realm of remote work


✨ Canal Bureau: The secret to Reinfuse Presence in Communication ✨

Send utterly distinctive voice messages 🎙

Chat like in Real Life !

collborateur inactif en télétravail

Wake up apathetic Team Members 🤫

A unique technology to re-engage your team.

Current problem : The absence of casual, spontaneous conversations, which often serve as a bedrock for team bonding and problem-solving, necessitates a more structured approach to keep the team connected and engaged.

Tranform your Social Interactions

Reignite Strong Bonds

👉 Your 3 new Superpowers


🎯 Strengthen the Remote Managerial Relationship between You and the Team


🎯 Elevate your Management Style : Become an Accessible Leader


🎯 Support and Re-Energize Disengaged colleagues


Empower, Support, and Comfort Your Team... Anytime.

Frequently Asked Questions 🔬

What is Canal Bureau used for?

Canal Bureau addresses the challenge of remote work management, focusing on re-engaging disengaged employees and enhancing communication between managers and their teams.

The solution includes Ground Breaking voice messaging technology that aims to create more natural and spontaneous interactions, akin to real-life conversations.

What is a self-triggered audio? ⚡

With self-triggered audio technology, you can be sure your messages are heard within seconds.

Self-triggered audio starts playing automatically on your colleague's computer, without the need for them to click a play button. 🤯

Your recipient gets the message instantly and can start a spontaneous conversation through the screen as if you were sitting right beside them.

Preview the content of an audio before opening it 🧨

Canal Bureau enables you to include a title with each audio message to provide context to the recipient.

Straightforward, Effective 🔥"

Silent mode 🔇

To stay reachable but undisturbed when you're busy (in a meeting, on the phone, etc.), you can activate the voicemail mode. With this mode, all received audios are played in silence and queued up.

You can listen to your missed audios later in your channel's voicemail."

What is the maximum number of participants per channel? ♾️

No Limit.

Can I change the playback speed of my audios? ⏩

You can adjust the playback of all received audios (faster or slower)

What is the audio storage limit? 📥

No Limit

Is there a mobile app? 📱

Coming Soon


You are the last line of defense against remote employee disengagement. 👊

We need you to test the Beta Version and co-create the product together.

logo canal bureau

The New Superpower of future of work

© 2024 All right Reserved – Canal Bureau

Hey stranger!

Canal Biz is still in private Beta.

Join the happy few and receive your early access shortly.

Canal Bureau pour IPhone et Mac



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